A couple weeks back I experienced one of those moments in life when the stars just seem to align. Some people call it flow or presence. When fortunate events keep unfolding. Meeting, surfing and staying with the Grain Surfboards team in NY was one of those occasions.
I had been following the work of Grain Surfboards for a number of years and been impressed with the company from the beginning. Their craftsmanship. Their use of locally grown wood. The beauty of their boards. When they opened an operation in NY, I knew the time had come to be in touch. Thanks to long-time friend and WAVES supporter, an introduction was made. Not long after, some waves were on the horizon in NY, and I was on the road to meet Brian and Patrick in Amagansett.
After spending some time with the team and their families, I can honestly say I look forward to collaborating more. Just so happens there is an event this coming weekend – the Grain Surf Re-Evolution. Below are some of the photos from the impromptu meeting. Thanks, guys!

Grain HQ NY

Day 2

Loading the pug

All smiles post surf

Back at the shop
Cover photo by Grain – Follow them on Instagram!