News Lisa Ramsburg Volunteer Blog. Lobitos, Peru. "It was exhausting and my fingertips will never be the same, but I loved it."Dave Aabojanvier 30, 2013
News Kevin Fries Volunteer Blog. Lobitos, Peru. "I expected a small community without much going for it except quality waves. I could…Dave Aabojanvier 25, 2013
News WSI making WAVES in Switzerland Wall Street Institute English Language School in Switzerland shares WAVES mission in their main office.Dave Aabojanvier 24, 2013
News Congratulations and Thanks Again Anali Gomez! Anali Gomez helps with all girls surf classes last year in Lobitos, wins Rip Curl…Dave Aabojanvier 21, 2013
News WAVES Photographer Lands Image in Popular Peruvian Surf Mag Henry Espinoza Panta, up-and-coming photographer from Lobitos, Peru lands a photoDave Aabojanvier 20, 2013
News Tom Chadwick Volunteer Blog: Begin at the Beginning. Meet Tom Chadwick, UK surfer that finds WAVES. Welcome to the family, Tom!Dave Aabojanvier 19, 2013
News Scott Earnest Volunteer Blog. Lobitos, Peru. Scott Earnest shares Christmas experience and how the local team rallied to support one of…Dave Aabojanvier 2, 2013
News Aurore Crettenand Volunteer Blog 1. Lobitos, Peru. Aurore Cretenand shares her experiences with the Environmental Health program in Lobitos.Dave Aabodécembre 29, 2012
News WAVES Makes 2012 Top-Rated Nonprofit List Thanks to all of the amazing reviews WAVES has received, the organization has been recognized…Dave Aabodécembre 20, 2012
News Romain Terrier Volunteer Blog 2. Lobitos, Peru Romain Terrier gives a glimpse into a dawn patrol session in Lobitos.Dave Aabodécembre 12, 2012