What can I say, more English teaching, more surf, more good food, and working to get a garden going here at the Waves house. Sounds about like what I wish I could be doing all the time, regardless of what country I am in. We worked out our schedules in the school, so now I am working with the same kids each week. I forgot what it was like to be in high school…passing notes, talking in class, generally being rude to the teacher…ha but it has been good. It’s been a good experience to be on the other side of that so I have some sense of what I would be getting into if I end up pursuing the teaching gig. At the end of the day, it’s still real rewarding to have worked with some youngn’s in a way that hopefully is helping them for the future.
The other part of the volunteering has been to construct a garden. It is coming along, although manual labor in Lobitos seems to go a bit slower as the desert heat gets to you fast and takes a whole lot out of you quick. We are using some old telephone posts and lots of bamboo to construct the fences for it, as around here you have to have them so that the dogs don’t pee on the plants and so that the wandering donkeys don’t munch on all the goods before they are ready to be picked. The idea is that in the summer, there will be hammocks attached to the posts so you can lounge in the shade by the garden when it gets real hot. The garden will be filled half-way with plants native to the area, and half with all sorts of herbs such as basil and rosemary so that they can be used for dinner and such. Should be a pretty sweet set up when it’s said and done.
The surf has also been pretty fun. There was another decent swell that came in for the weekend, which was cool except that that meant lots of people in the water, so we got strategic. We got some more sunrise sessions without too many folks, and then Monday was the full moon so there was plenty of light to surf at night a few times. I only went once, but a few of the boys went Saturday as well as Monday night. Pretty epic to get some water time underneath the moon, I gotta say. We’ve been in a bit of a lull the past couple days now, but it should start picking up again today or tomorrow. Might have to go on some missions through the desert this weekend to find some empty waves if the crowds show up again. Ill check back with you again after the weekend missions are complete. Cheeeeeya.
Ps: We did get the garden ready before Chris’ departure and also with my motorbike running again we managed to sneak away from the crowds and found a couple of gems during multiple solo sessions at Baterias, YEEEWWW!!! A great ending in every sense of Chris’ time in Lobitos! Thanks Chris for all the great work you’ve done while in Lobitos. Cheers Pim