WAVES w/ Grain Surfboards in NY

19 Sep 2016by

A couple weeks back I experienced one of those moments in life when the stars just seem to align. Some people call it flow or presence. When fortunate events keep unfolding. Meeting, surfing and staying w/ the Grain Surfboards team in NY was one of those occasions. I had been following the work of Grain Surfboards for a number of years and been impressed w/ the company from the beginning.  Their craftsmanship. Their use of locally grown wood. The beauty of their boards. When they opened an operation in NY I knew the time had come to be in touch. Thanks to long-time friend and WAVES supporter, an introduction was made. Not long after, some waves were on the horizon in NY, and I was on the road to meet Brian and Patrick in Amagansett. After spending some time w/ the team and their families, I can honestly say I look forward to collaborating more. Just so happens there is an event this coming weekend – the Grain Surf Re-Evolution. Below are some of the photos from the impromptu meeting. Thanks guys!

Grain HQ NY

Eastern Long Island

Grain Boards

what a way to wake up

Day 2

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All smiles post surf

All smiles post surf

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About the author: Dave Aabo

David, a founder of WAVES for Development, has been providing his energy to making the WAVES concept a reality since 2005. His love for adventure, curiosity of new cultures, and commitment to changing the world through social enterprises are contagious.

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