WAVES participates in Pacificum Peru
06 Dec 2012by Daniela Amico
Peru celebrates the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the Pacific Ocean, so different authorities, entities and NGOs are combing forces to educate fellow Peruvians about the ocean – including the marine forces to be precise… So together with the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of the Environment, historians, biologists and surfers, we celebrate! Turns out that Peru was the first civilization to no depend on agriculture because our ocean is so rich!! So the idea with Pacificum is to do a tour from Tacna to Tumbes on land and air and document all the coast, carrying out educational and sporting activities along the coast with the help of various NGOs – that’s were WAVES comes in, including music festivals and the like. They will be summing up the experience with different products: a photo exposition of the tour along the coast, a series of documentaries, a book, and online, of course. Check out the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/
more details: PACIFICVM PERV
Posted in: News
Tags: Dani, Lobitos, Mincetur, Ministry of the Environment, official, Pacificum Peru, Tourism Ministry