WAVES at Green Fest Ecoforum 2015
16 Nov 2015by Dave Aabo
We are proud to be one of the invitees and presenters at Ecoforum 2015 in Puira, Peru. WAVES Country Director Enrique Basurto joined other experts to discuss Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility at this year’s Green Fest.
This is the second time WAVES has been involved with Green Fest – the first lead to the creation of this video with the renowned Peruvian band Laguna Pai. (Many thanks to Nico at Lobitos Cinema Project and Mariano at Laguna Pai for making that happen).
(As a follow-up to the video – Laguna Pai played in Lobitos for the first time this month!)
Tags: desarrolllo sostenible, Ecoforum, Green Fest, Kike Basurto, Laguna Pai, Laguna Pai video, Lobitos, responsibilidad social empresarial