Volunteer Diary: Chris Burhans
31 May 2012by WAVES Volunteer
Things in Lobitos is going pretty sweet. So far, we have been getting situated and checking out some of the local scene, both in Lobitos and in a couple of the surrounding cities. Started things out by teaching some English to some grommits. The kids are pretty unreal…pretty cool too cause when you see them around town (not uncommon, Lobitos is not all that big) they recognize you and call out to you either by your name or with a big ol “Hey Teacher!”
Aside from a bit of English teaching, we have seen some of the area, eaten some amazing food, and surfed our brains out. The cheviche is amazing down here, and the waves are even better. There are 6 waves within about a 15 minute walk of the house we are staying at, one of them being a left point. It gets a bit crowded now and again, but if you are down to wake up with the roosters, you can catch some amazing sun rises and have empty waves for a bit before the late starters get on it. I thought this place was amazing after meeting some of the locals, eating some epic food, working with the local kids, and surfing two to three times a day, and then I got to go skate the local mini-ramp, and it got even better. Life aint too shabby down here in Lobitos.
Between the volunteering, the surfing, the food, and the good company, I would say things are off to a pretty awesome start. Stoked to see what is to come from here. I will check back with you guys before too long. Cheeeeeeya.
Posted in: News
Tags: Lobitos Peru, Lobitos Surf, surf lobito, surf tourism, surf voluntourism, volunteer peru