Volunteer Diary: Annie Marie Begin
31 May 2012by WAVES Volunteer
One week down and so far this has been incredible. I could really get used to living life at this pace. Learning to surf has been a difficult task so far but I think I may be getting better due to the help of locals who have been giving me tips. The water feels amazing and there is nothing like the sunsets here. During the day Chris, Elise, and I take turns doing shifts at the local school in the English classes. The kids are very willing to learn and ask lots of questions. The younger ones are adorable and love to joke around with us. Although my Spanish speaking skills aren’t great, they are very patient and helpful. After we teach classes, we come home and grab a quick lunch then go back out to the water.
People come from all over the world just to surf the waves in Lobitos. I have met people from every continent that are staying in the local hostels and hotels. We are also working on developing the surf shop in the main room at the Waves house. We have successfully painted the room and have moved the boards and are starting to set up the furniture. Every night, Tali cooks up a storm in the kitchen and has made it his goal for me to eat my weight in food for dinner, and has so far succeeded. He has made all kinds of delicious cuisine. Sometimes during the week take a taxi van into Talara to grab some groceries and lunch. I can’t get enough of the ceviche and tomales.
On the weekends we do different activities, so I am able to experience more of the culture here. Last Saturday night we all took a cab down to Talara to go salsa dancing at a club. I had a blast and I don’t think I have ever sweat that much in my life.
On Friday, we took a day trip down to Catacaos. We took a bus down to Piura and went to an amazing ice creamery where it took me about 20 minutes just to land on a flavor after sampling half the menu. We took a taxi to Catacaos from Piura which is 20 minutes away. We stopped at the Plaza where local vendors sell all kinds of locally made items like wood carvings, purses, and ceramics. I bought a handmade bracelet, a set of shot glasses, and a hand-woven beanie for the windy nights in Lobitos.
Last night we built a bonfire on the beach and after listening to music and dancing, we went for a quick moonlit swim in the ocean. Even though I woke up covered in sand this morning there is nothing like a bonfire on the beach! Next week I look forward to eating lunches with the local families and starting a garden outside the Waves house.
Posted in: News
Tags: Annie Marie Begin, Catacaos, Lobitos Peru, Lobitos Surf, Surf lobitos, volunteer, Volunteering in Peru