Video Series Release: Growing - Will Power // Creciendo - Voluntad
17 Nov 2015by Dave Aabo
This is a special one for me. I met Frank about 5 years ago. A lot happens in 5 years at that age. It’s been fun seeing Frank grow up – and have WAVES be part of it. He’s helped run his family’s business. He’s run the Surf Shop by himself, he’s taken pictures, he’s even been part of making videos. But hearing how excited he gets talking about “how everything is possible in this life – it just depends on your will, sacrifice and confidence to make it happen.” That’s where it’s at. Meet Frank in this awesome short:
CRECIENDO – La Voluntad, la Volonté, Will – capítulo/chapitre/chapter 7 from WAVES for Development on Vimeo.
Check out the other videos in the series on Self Esteem, Honesty, Patience, Socialization, Respect, and Solidarity.
Posted in: News
Tags: #surfeducation, #surfsocialgood, #wavesfordevelopment, #whereyourmoneygoes, determination, FEDEVACO, Growing, Imajack, Lobitos, LobitosREC, will power