Tsunami Alert in Peru
11 Mar 2011by Dave Aabo
The Peruvian Navy Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation issued a Tsunami Alert related to the earthquake, of 8.8 degree magnitude, in the Honshu, Japan region. Any tsunami activity is anticipated to hit the coast of Northern Peru at approximately 7:33pm, March 11th.
The WAVES response in Lobitos. All volunteers are aware of this warning and we are closely following the news as it develops. The Tinoco family’s house (where the volunteers stay) is located on a bluff, slightly inland, so water levels would need to rise significantly to reach the home. Furthermore, an Emergency Action Plan, reviewed with volunteers upon arrival, will be followed (Stop, Think, Act). In this particular case, an evacuation route to higher dunes has been identified should the need arise.
Surf classes for this Friday afternoon have been cancelled.
Coincidently, during the GLC school group visit two weeks ago, a tsunami evacuation drill was organized by the local government so community members are also familiar with proposed evacuation routes and actions.
President Garcia encouraged Peruvians to remain calm.
WAVES extends our heartfelt sympathy to those in Japan and elsewhere in the world affected by the earthquake and related tsunamis.
Water levels did rise in Lobitos, (some parts of Peru reported 13 centimeters) and evacuations took place, no substantial damage or injury was reported.
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Posted in: News
Tags: earthquake, emergency action plan, japan, tsunami