Swiss alpinists expedition in Cordillera Blanca, Peru representing WAVES

30 Jan 2011by

Lobitos, Jan 21, 9pm: before the screening of Capture: a WAVES documentary, we shown the children fotos from a Swiss alpinists expedition in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru from last May to July. The alpinists took the WAVES flag to symbolcally bring to the top the WAVES program. The team was composed by Sven Apothéloz, Yvan Duvaud, Ricardo Ibarra, Olivier “Milon” Favre et Jean-Marc Voirol. Thanks to them for their performance!

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About the author: Sly

After traveling in 43 countries and meeting thousands of people, Sylvain came to an important conclusion: helping others can give his life meaning. Sylvain calculates that if he can help even just 10 people improve their lives, the positive effects will touch thousands of people in centuries to come and make the world a better place.

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