Pass It On
06 Feb 2012by Dave Aabo
WAVES for Development exists because of the countless individuals: volunteers, aficionados and friends who have continued to celebrate and spread the mission of the organization.
CAPTURE: A WAVES Documentary captures the spirit of the experience by showcasing the journey of a traveler/volunteer as he becomes a part of the Lobitos community. Such an enriching experience is only made possible by the help of all of you. By your words, your actions and your continuous support.
The PASS IT ON campaign is another tool for all of our supporters to continue spreading the word and experience of WAVES for Development by holding film screenings in their local community.
So far we’ve held screenings in New Jersey, New York, DC, Florida, California, Oregon & Alaska. We are extremely excited to get the film screened in all 50 states by the end of 2013. Help us make this happen!
View CAPTURE: A WAVES Documentary screening locations in a larger map
We will send you a screening toolkit and share any wonderful ideas to make your event stand out.
Watch CAPTURE: A WAVES Documentary on DVD and Pass It On!
Get caught up on the story through the CAPTURE production blog here.

Posted in: EventsFeatures
Tags: 50 states screening campaign, CAPTURE, Pass It On
About the author: Dave Aabo

David, a founder of WAVES for Development, has been providing his energy to making the WAVES concept a reality since 2005. His love for adventure, curiosity of new cultures, and commitment to changing the world through social enterprises are contagious.