Meet Henry Espinoza
03 Jan 2012by Dave Aabo
Henry has been involved with WAVES programs since the beginning. In 2008, he was only 13 when he stated attending surf classes on the beach with his boogie board under his arm. With his natural talent (and small size at the time) he would actually stand on the body board. With a surfboard under his feel he is a natural and now a ripper.
During the filming of CAPTURE: A WAVES Documentary he discovered his passion for photography. The non-traditional education provided by WAVES and the various skilled volunteers visiting Lobitos have propelled Henry into a social enterprise. A portion of surf photography sales go to him, a portion go to his educational/career fund savings and a portion to WAVES for use of the equipment and to support further programming.
Here’s a short video of Henry in chicama (in Spanish):
Henry talks about his photography aspirations
Below is one of Henry’s photos taken of Las Capullanas, close to Lobitos. Stay tuned for more from Henry in the “Create Your Future” collaboration with Surf Resource Network and Poor Speciman.
This post is also available in: French
Posted in: News
Tags: CAPTURE, henry, Henry Espinoza Panta, Lobitos, surf photography