Homestay Construction Project
27 Feb 2011by WAVES Alumni
Friday was one of the greatest days in Peru. Why you may ask, well then let me tell you about my day.
I had to wake up at 9 am in the morning (basically a typical school day). I had these delicious eggs with rolls and crepes. After that the whole group went down to the beach for another Surfing session. We were practicing how to balance and stay standing on the board. It was a little difficult at first, but then I began to get use to it. Then Sam (one of the Surf instructors) says that we are having a surfing contest after lunch. In my head I’m like “Surfing WHAT?!?!?”, but I had no way out so I had to persuade myself to do it. After surfing and playing soccer we took a long walk to our designated lunch areas. My lunch group and I went to Marias. We had Arroz (rice) con pescado (fish) y ensalada (salad). I wasn’t feeling good so I only had rice. After that we rested for a while and headed back to the beach for more surfing.
Before surfing, we had to stretch out our muscles so we won’t cramp up or break any bones. I was called on by Holggers (the main surf instructor) to do the exercises. I think he called me to pick on me, but to him he wanted to see if I remembered how to do them. I completed every step that he taught without no help and I even threw in one of the steps that people didn´t quite remember which was 1..2..3 (stand up on the board), flexionado. He was very impressed and overwhelmed at the fact that I remember the last step. The surfing contest began. I was paired up with Ms. Tran to see who was better. I didn’t win, but I did catch 3 waves so I’m proud of myself.
Then after the contest we went back to the hostal to have a group meeting. We talked about what impact Peru has had on us and what Peru can look like in 20 years. After the short meeting, me and a few other people walked down to the Waves offices (it’s like walking to 42nd st). On our way there, the City was having a drill which was to prepare the people for any emergencies. Once we got to the Waves office, we had a brief presentation (presented by Sam) about the homestay construction that we were doing. We weren´t able to complete it, but he gave us a description on how the homestay should look in 2 months. Then I got to meet Don Vincente who is the owner of the house and the homestay. He was very pleased to see that we were helping him to make his life better. After the presentation we went to play volleyball with the people of the community. All I can say is we “tried” our best. After losing, we went straight to bed.
Now please tell me that you think this day was bad because if you do then I don’t know what to tell you!
Eunice Adelani
Posted in: News