Henry Espinoza Panta - Growing up with WAVES
23 Sep 2014by Dave Aabo
It’s my pleasure to share this great piece!
“We made this video with the intention that people could know more of Henry, a local photographer, with the help of WAVES for Development and even more so, the help of his parents and finally, the talent that Henry has, that he could travel to Switzerland and demonstrate his art, his talent, in another country, on the other side of the world. We thank all the people involved in this production.”
— Luis Tinoco, from Lobitos REC
“Este video lo hicimos con la finalidad de que la gente conozca mas de Henry, un fotografo local que con la ayuda de la ong WAVES for Development y mas aun la ayuda de sus padres, y finalmente el talento que tiene Henry pudo viajar a Suiza y demostra su arte y Talento en otro pais, al otro lado del mundo.
Un agradecimiento a todas las personas involucradas en esta produccion.”
Want to learn more? Check out the post on Henry’s photography exhibit in Switzerland or on the beginning of the story as captured by CAPTURE: A WAVES Documentary.
Tags: 2014, CAPTURE, CAPTURE: A WAVES Documentary, Henry Espinoza Panta, HEP, Lobitos, Lobitos REC, Luis Tinoco, Peru