Good waves // Always - Thanks Annie & Reece!
13 Feb 2016by Dave Aabo
We are always grateful to the travelers and long term volunteers who come to Lobitos and help out in numerous ways. It’s an even more special occasion when we have our Advocates visit. Advocates are cool people doing cool things. They also just so happen to advocate for the WAVES mission in their daily lives. Annie McBride and Reece Pacheco are two of the inaugural Advocates. They joined the team in Lobitos for two week in February. We hope their time was as enjoyable for them as it was for us! The team in Peru decided to throw a ‘despedida’ or going away party – here are some of the images from that and their time in Lobitos. Thank you both and safe travels as your journey continues!
Tags: #WAVESAdvocates, 2016, Advocates, Annie McBride, Lobitos, Reece Pacheco, WAVES Advocates