Work and The Caves by Mawa
27 Feb 2012by WAVES Alumni
Today was a great day to finish up in Lobitos. The GLC and WAVES team completed painting two houses and laying a cement floor. I felt so happy and overwhelmed that we helped these families to improve their lives. You could see the joy on their faces when they looked at their home.
After we worked, we went to visit the house we built a roof on and said our final good-byes to the mother and her three beautiful children. It was so amazing to see the smiles on their little precious faces.
Later in the afternoon, we went to the caves of Capullanas. Ahh man! They were so awesome inside. They had this unique shape and opened up into the ocean on one side. We then trekked up the cliffs and had a BBQ that was given in our honor by the people of WAVES. It was sad and wonderful to hang out with them one last time, eating hamburgers, sausages, steaks and chicken.
The best part of the day was watching the sunset – it was my favorite! I had never experienced something so beautiful. This was a little something I would remember Lobitos by – the sunset and the way we connected and bonded with people.
Well, after a long and busy week of dealing with many obstacles that we all had to overcome as world travelers, it turned out to be one of the best weeks of my life.
Posted in: News
Tags: Capullanas, glc, Mawa Ballo