Traveling to Lobitos - by Maya
21 Feb 2012by WAVES Alumni
Closing One Door and Opening Another
Monday, February 20, 2012. The GLC students woke up early, packed and got ready to leave our temporary home in Lima to venture on to Lobitos. However, before we hopped on the place and flew away we went through a bit of a hiccup.
First, we had breakfast and then we used our newly found bargaining skills to shop at the local market where we get lots of cool little souvenirs. Then, at about 10:40, things started getting crazy. We transitioned from using our bargaining skills to our NYC walking skills so that we could get back to our hostel on time. And though we were on time, the van that was supposed to take us to the airport never showed up.
It was 11:45 and our flight was at 1:30 and we were about 30 minutes away. It was time for our chaperones to make an executive decision. So Ms. Dye and Ms. Schwenkler went outside to hunt for cabs. When we got to the airport, we were met by a nice woman who led us to our gate. At some point, after security, four of us girls got to the gate before anyone else did and we were worried that the rest of the group was not going to make it on time, but the rest of the group was right behind us.
Luckly, we all made it safely and in one piece and when we got off the plane we were met by Dave from WAVES who greeted us with yummy bananas and sandwiches and we continued our journey through Talara.
The sight of Talara was devastating. There was garbage everywhere and poor conditions for the people.
When we finally got to Lobitos, we all relaxed and could finally stop and breathe and enjoy the rest of the day. I was really excited to see what the rest of the week has to bring for the GLC ambassadors.
Posted in: News
Tags: glc, lima, Lobitos, Maya Ballo