Day 2 in Peru!
23 Feb 2011by WAVES Alumni
Our first impressions in Peru weren´t what we all expected. when we got off the 3rd plane we were hit by a gust of wind. We thought the sun would be beaming hotter, but it wasn´t as tropical as we thought. We also thought the food wouldn´t be as appetizing, but soon found out that it was. One of the first dishes that we had is called ceviche. It is raw fish, marinated in vinegar with onions. This may sound disgusting, but it was in fact really good.
One of the first activities we did was learn how to surf. We leaned how to get up and stand on the board, and if we were goofy or regular. It was hard at first, but yet theres still more to learn. We are all excited to give it another try!
In the afternoon, Another one of our activities was to learn how to make bracelets. During this time we made friends with the local children and bonded over making these bracelets. We all had a hard time, but the kids really helped us.
Thats it for now , more tomorrow, it is time for bed!
Nick Volynets and Nicholas Rodriguez
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