Even when it's small, it's good

13 Feb 2011by

On this particular morning, everyone who got up early was happy they did.  The surf was small, but fun.  Perfect little waves kept rolling in for the 7 or so of us that decided to get up for dawn patrol this particularly February morning.  Water tempts now are well into the 70s and while a shortie seems like a good idea while it’s still dark and feeling cooler, it’s not a total necessity.  Much warmer than Lima…

Yup, that’s an Oil Platform in the background.  There are over 40 that can be counted from the Lobitos beach.  Offshore drilling may not be the answer, but it sure is the reality in Northern Peru.  The Talara province is the second highest oil producing area in Peru.

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About the author: Dave Aabo

David, a founder of WAVES for Development, has been providing his energy to making the WAVES concept a reality since 2005. His love for adventure, curiosity of new cultures, and commitment to changing the world through social enterprises are contagious.

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