Become a WAVES Maker

12 Nov 2015by

What is a WAVES Maker you ask? In simple terms: it’s somebody who is creating opportunity around the world. Opportunity to connect to resources – financial and human. Opportunity for cultural exchange and world travel. Opportunity for grassroots initiatives to shine on a global scale. WAVES Makers are a dedicated group of people that support WAVES International on a monthly basis. You will provide stability and growth to our operations. This exceptional group of ardent supporters will receive special updates, insight into the organization’s operations, exclusive photos, and, while supplies last – at $25/mo – trucker caps (aka Rad WAVES Collectibles). Become a WAVES Maker today:

Want to join us as WAVES Goes Global?

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About the author: Dave Aabo

David, a founder of WAVES for Development, has been providing his energy to making the WAVES concept a reality since 2005. His love for adventure, curiosity of new cultures, and commitment to changing the world through social enterprises are contagious.

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