WAVES Photographer Lands Image in Popular Peruvian Surf Mag

20 Jan 2013by

Henry Espinoza Panta, born and raised in Lobitos, Peru, first learned how to use a SLR camera with WAVES during the filming of CAPTURE: A WAVES Documentary (Thanks Jeremy!). This past year he had a photo of his published in Tablista Magazine, the oldest surf mag in Latin America!  It’s pretty awesome for Henry, and his photo to be a 2-page spread in a feature article of the magazine’s 50th edition.  Henry’s skills are not going unnoticed. Yeah, Henry, here’s to another awesome year of accomplishments! See more of Henry’s photos on LobitosFotos.com his FB page.

Article p1  article_p2

Very fitting, too, is the content of the article – protecting the waves – both through a paddle event (Esta Ola es mia / this wave is mine) and celebrating the Peruvian law that protects the waves. As far as I know, Peru is the first and only country to have such a law.  Not without challenges, it’s a progressive stance on protecting waves for riding them.  And it’s been in place for 11 years. Read the law in the pic below (click on it, then expand view).

Tali Jessamine, WAVES Chief Technical Advisor, also scored a pic in the magazine.

photo tali jessamine


Thanks to Javier Fernandez Urbina, editor of Tablista and champion of the people, environment, and surfing in Peru!

Tablista 50

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About the author: Dave Aabo

David, a founder of WAVES for Development, has been providing his energy to making the WAVES concept a reality since 2005. His love for adventure, curiosity of new cultures, and commitment to changing the world through social enterprises are contagious.

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