Concrete Floors Project

29 Sep 2012by

This past Monday 24th of September, the WAVES staff took another step in the Environmental Health program by formally launching Households Projects in Lobitos. We selected families out of our surveys that are more need of this benefit. Attached to this project is the new initiative of the micro-credit loans. The families will be owners and promoter of the projects. Together with the WAVES Volunteers they will finance their project and work together in the houses.

Sponsor this project.

We are stating with Concrete Floors and Roofing with vision to develop other projects as the program expands.  These include:

  • Water Systems
  • Solar Panel
  • Home Gardens

This will be a new addition to the volunteer experience at the same time creating a tighter relationship with the people of Lobitos. The desired project outcome is to create a health supportive environment by reducing the amount of parasites that live in dirt floors in the community, and prevent the children from developing diseases related to these parasites. Furthermore, to promote the good health and care in the families and reinforcing the bond of WAVES with the community of Lobitos.

Want to get involved? click here to sponsor this project.

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About the author: WAVES Alumni

WAVES is only possible because of the amazing people that donate their time, energy and money to the cause. These posts are done by past volunteers that upon completion of service become Alumni. Here's your chance to learn more about these amazing people from all over the world making it happen.

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