When we woke up today and had some breakfast, which was very good, we drove to the Pachacamac pre-Incan ruins. This place is full of new experiences for me and everyone else. There were many temples, pyramids, tourists and lots of sun. However, the most amazing thing was the view that overlooked the Pacific Ocean on one side and the Andes on the other.
Pachacamac was established by a pre-Incan civilization called Limas. It was the sacred place for both cultures. We took so many pictures with a view of this place.
There were two major temples: the temple of the sun and the temple of the moon. When we were standing on top of the temple of the sun, it seemed like we were standing on top of the roof of the world. In the Incan culture, the sun symbolized the male energy and the moon symbolized the female energy.
After we finished exploring the ruins, we visited a very nice restaurant called Pardo’s where we were served very delicious chicken.
Our next stop was La Casa de Panchita, an organization that is dedicated to helping young girls who are put to work as domestic servants as young as eight years old. There were no girls there today; however, we got to meet many women who were helping them and were helping each other. Some of us taught English class while others made jewelry. It was very interesting social experience.
I think that everything we did in this day was fantastic and helped us on our journey of global citizenship.
By Nik – GLC Student