
To be part of surf travel done better, please complete the volunteer application below.

Before you start...

  • The application form below has 7 sections.
  • It should take you about 30 minutes to complete.
  • Click on each section heading to reveal the relevant questions.
  • Fill in the fields directly, or complete it offline and then cut and paste your answers into the form.

If you don't want to fill the form in online, you can always Download application form as a Word document and email it back to us.

Please note: All fields are required unless stated optional in parenthesis. Thanks for your interest in WAVES for Development, we look forward to receiving your application.

1. Project details

2. Contact details

3. Dietary requirements

4. Education & qualifications

5. Additional information

6. Emergency contact information

7. Optional information

My company has a matching giving program (optional).

That's it, all done!

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the volunteer application form. Once we receive your application we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.